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Nastassia Stupen

2024-04-23  点击:[]

Personal information

Given name


Last name


Russian name

Анастасия Александровна Ступень



Date of Birth



Passport No.


Academic levels




Professional Title

Senior Lecturer




[email protected]

Educational Background

1.Belarusian State University, Sept., 2004 – June, 2009. Higher education

2. Belarusian State University, Nov., 2018 – June, 2020. Retraining at the higher education level

Work Experience

1. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus; 2011 – 2018; Lecturer, Philology Faculty, Department of History Belarusian Language

2. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus; 2018 – 2020; Senior Lecturer, Philology Faculty, Department of Belarusian Linguistic

3. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus; 2020 – present; Senior Lecturer, Russian as a foreign language Department

Teaching Experience

1. Belarusian State University, Department of History Belarusian Language; 2011 – 2020. Courses: Belarusian Language (professional vocabulary);

2. Belarusian State University, Department of History Belarusian Language; 2013 – 2014. Courses: History of Belarusian Language;

3. Belarusian State University, Russian as a foreign language Department; 2020 – present. Courses:

Russian as a foreign language (common language proficiency).

International experience(especially in English language countries)

Research Interests

1.Russian and Belarusian linguistics

2. Methods of teaching foreign languages

3. Russian as a foreign language

Research Projects

Honors and Awards



Russian as a foreign language. Module of common language proficiency. Basic level - A2: educational methodological manual / N.V. Voitovich, A.A.Stupen, D.V.Tsalko. - Minsk: BSU, 2023. - 155 p. : pict. [in Russian]


1.Stupen, N. Modern Belarusian school: problems and possible solutions // Current social and pedagogical problems: reflections and searches. A collection of problematic articles / resp. for issue T. M. Kuryanovich, G. V. Khomich. Minsk, 2010. [in Belarusian]

2. Stupen, N. From observations on the functioning of chemical terms in the story of Yakub Kolas "Tremble" // Language - literature - culture: VIIMizhnar. of science conf., dedicated to On the 130th anniversary of his birth. Yanki Kupala and Yakub Kolas, September 27–28. 2012, Minsk, BSU: coll. of science art. / under general ed. T. I. Shamiakina. Minsk, 2012. [in Belarusian]

3. Stupen, N. Chemistry // Belarusian language (professional vocabulary): a course of lectures / ed. cal. : M. I. Svistunova (ref. ed.) [etc.]; under the general editorship of Professor M. R. Prigodich. – Minsk, 2015. [in Belarusian]

4. Stupen A.A. Syntactic phraseology in the content of short-term teaching of Russian as a foreign language // Russian language in the digital environment in a time of pandemic: monograph / ed. I. Mikulatso. – Croatia: Pula. – 2021. – pp. 151-164. [in Russian]

5. Stupen, A. A. Extracurricular work in teaching the Russian language as a foreign language at the stage of pre-university training (winter holidays at FPUE BSU) // Language and literature in the 21st century: relevant aspects of research: materials VII Rep. science and practice Conf. of young scientists, Minsk, March 3. 2023 / Belarus. state university; editor: V. U. Zueva (Gal. ed.) [etc.]. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – P. 709-713. [in Russian]
