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Tasiana Makayeva

2024-04-19  点击:[]

Personal information

Given name


Last name


Russian name

Татьяна Александровна Макаева



Date of Birth



Passport No.


Academic levels



Applied Mechanics

Professional Title

Senior Lecturer



[email protected]

Educational Background

2001-2006 studying at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Belarusian State University, majoring in mechanics, specializing in “Fundamental problems of MSS”

Belarusian State University, Sept., 2003 – June, 2006. Higher education, mathematician economist

2006-2010 Master's degree at BSU, specializing in mechanics of deformable solids.

In 2018 successfully completed postgraduate studies at BSU with a degree in 01.02.04 - “Mechanics of deformable solids” on the topic “Mechanical and mathematical models for describing deformation processes in masses of block structure.”

Work Experience

2006-2010 junior researcher at ITMO NAS RB.

2010-2012 assistant at the Department of Engineering Mathematics, Instrument Engineering Faculty, BNTU

from 2013 to the present - the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, BSU: first as an assistant, then as a senior lecturer.

Teaching Experience

2010-2012 assistant at the Department of Engineering Mathematics, Instrument Engineering Faculty, BNTU. Courses: Numerical methods, Applied mathematics

Belarusian State University, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Department; 2013 – present. Courses: Numerical Methods in Mechanics, Theoretical Mechanics. first as an assistant, then as a senior lecturer.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

Research Interests

· theoretical mechanics

· mechanics of deformable solids

· numerical modeling in mechanics

· Block and discrete element methods

· finite and block element modeling of the mechanical behavior of materials of inhomogeneous structure.

Research Projects

Executor of the scientific and technical program:

“Development of theoretical and experimental methods of mechanics for problems of micro- and nanotechnologies” (No. GR 20061790, 2006 – 2010) within the framework of the GPOFI “Research of the mechanics of technical and biomechanical systems, development of effective methods for increasing their reliability, creation of new components of machines and equipment for mechanical engineering” ("Mechanics").

“Deformation processes of fault-block media taking into account zones of multiple cracking” agreement with the BRFFR No. X11K-182 dated April 15, 2011.

“Development of a multi-level approach to the study of deformation behavior and fracture of materials and nanomaterials using mesomechanics and mechanics of deformable solids” 268/21 State registration number 20131544

NIRS-2011 Study of the stress-strain state in materials with microstructure

Honors and Awards



N.N. Rogovtsov, T.A. Makaeva. Applied mathematics

HE. Vyarvilskaya, VP Savchuk, VA Savenkov, DE Marmysh, TA Makaeva. Cirriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline “Theoretical mechanics” for specialties 1-31 03 01 Mathematics (in areas)


Zhuravkov M.A., Makaeva T.A. Mechanical and mathematical models of the behavior of deformable solid elastic media taking into account their internal structure // Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials. No. 1. 2012. pp. 29-38.

Zhuravkov MA, Chumak NG, Makaeva TA_Modeling of delamination of double-walled nanotubes using a cohesive model. International scientific and technical collection “Theoretical and Applied Mechanics” No. 32 2017

Zhuravkov M.A., Makaeva T.A. Deformation behavior of block structure arrays // Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. International scientific and technical collection. Issue 27. Minsk. BNTU. 2012. P. 197 – 203

Zhuravkov M.A., Makaeva T.A. Mathematical models of materials taking into account the internal structure International Symposium “Advanced Materials and Technologies”. May 29 – June 1, 2013. Vitebsk, Belarus: collection of articles / Educational Institution “VSTU”. – Vitebsk, 2013. p. 106 -109

Zhuravkov M.A., Makaeva T.A. Deformation behavior of block structure arrays. 5 Belarusian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics collection of scientific papers volume 2 pp. 373-381

Makaeva T.A. Influence of the internal structure of the material on the stress-strain state. Collection of works of the 68th scientific conference of students and graduate students of BSU.2011.part 1 pp.57-63

TA Makaeva, MA Zhuravkov, NG Chumak. Simulation of delamination of double-walled nanotudes using the cohesive model of BNTU

Method of block elements in mechanics: curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline for specialty 1-31 03 02 Mechanics and mathematical modeling No. UD-11732/uch.

MA Zhuravkov, TA Makaeva - 2022
