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Viktor Tikhomirov

2024-04-19  点击:[]

Personal information

Given name


Last name


Russian name

Виктор Васильевич Тихомиров



Date of Birth



Passport No.


Academic levels

Doctor of Science


Theoretical Physics

Professional Title





[email protected]

Educational Background

1. Belarusian State University, Sept., 1975 – June, 1980. Higher education

2. Belarusian State University, Dec., 1980 – Nov., 1983. Ph.D. courses

Work Experience

1. 1. 1984-1986 Assistant Researcher Nuclear Physics Department of Belorussian State University (BSU)

2. 1986-1989 Senior Researcher Institute for Nuclear Problems of BSU (INP BSU)

3. 1989-1993 Leading Researcher, INP BSU

4. 1993-2020 Head of Laboratory, INP BSU

5. 2020-present Chief Researcher, INP BSU

Teaching Experience

Belarussian State University, Nuclear Physics Department, 1995-2018.

International experience (especially in English language countries)

1. Japan, Tokyo, Waseda University Oct. 1990 July 1991

2. Ferrara University & INFN, Italy, 2008 present.

Research Interests

· High energy particle interaction with crystals, electromagnetic waves and matter

· Development of cumulative magnetic generator

· Radiophysics, in particular, vircator simulations

· Astrophysics physics, primordial black hole problem, extra dimensions

Research Projects

· Periodically Bent Crystals for Crystalline Undulators (Novel Light) GA 872196 European Commission RISE Project

· Periodically Bent Crystals for Crystalline Undulators, (PRIN) GA 690991 European Commission RISE Project

· Ferrara University & INFN, 2008 present. INFN and Italian Ministry of Education AXIAL, CRYSBEAM, KLEVER, SELDOM, STORM, etc. projects

Honors and Awards

1. Belarus Komsomol Prize Laureate in science and technology, 1984.

2. Belarusian State Prize Laureate in science and technology, 2002.

3. Invited Copernicus Scientist, Ferrara University, 2015, Italy.

4. President Grant for the study of high-energy electromagnetic showers in crystals, 2018.

5. Medal for Labor Merit, 2022.



1. Baryshevskii V.G., Tikhomirov V.V. Birefringence of the high-energy gamma-quanta in monocrystals. Phys. Lett.. 90A(1982)153.

2. Baryshevskii V.G., Tikhomirov V.V. Creation of transversely polarized high-energy electrons and positrons in crystals. Sov. Phys. JETP 58(1983)135-140; Zh. Exp.Theor. Fiz. 85(1983)232.

3. Baryshevskii V.G., Tikhomirov V.V.  Creation of transversely polarized high-energy electrons and positrons in crystals. Phys. Lett. 96(1983)215.

4. Baryshevsky V.G., Tikhomirov V.V. Pair production in a slowly varying electromagnetic field and pair production process. Phys. Lett. 113A (1985)335.

5. Baryshevsky V.G., Tikhomirov V.V. The role of incoherent scattering in radiation processes at small angles of incidence of particles on crystallographic axes or planes. Sov. Phys. JETP 63(1986)1116; Zh. Exp.Theor. Fiz. 90(1986)1908.

6. Baryshevskii V.G., Metelitsa O.N., Tikhomirov V.V. Oscillations of the positronium decay g-quanta angular distribution in a magnetic field. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 22(1989)2835.

7. Tikhomirov V.V. Possibility of observing radiative self-polarization and the production of polarized e+e- pairs in crystal at accessible energies. JETP Lett. 58(3)(1993)166; Pis’ma Zh. Exp.Theor. Fiz. 58(1993)168.

8. Tikhomirov V.V. On the possibility of observing variations of the positron magnetic moment in crystals. Phys. Atom. Nuclei 57(1994) 2211, Yad. Phys. 57(1994)2302.

9. Baryshevskii V.G., Tikhomirov V.V., Shekhtman A.G. A new mechanism of absorption anisotropy of high energy photons in a crystal. Nucl. Phys. B424(1994)418.

10. Tikhomirov V.V. Radical change of ultra-relativistic electron spin precession frequency in the field of circularly polarized wave due to interaction with the field of radiation. JETP Lett. 61(1995)180; Pis’ma Zh. Exp. Theor. Fiz. 61(1995)177.

11. Tikhomirov V.V. Spin precession in a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. Phys. Rev. D53(1996)7213.

12. Tikhomirov V.V. Circular polarization and spin dependence of surface radiation in crystals. Sov. Phys. JETP 82(1996)639-646; Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.109 (1996)1188.

13. Tikhomirov V.V. On the limited applicability of the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation to the electron spin precession in the field of circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. Yad. Phys. 62(1999)664 (in Russian).

14. Tikhomirov V.V. Electron-Spin Precession in a Plane Electromagnetic Wave.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 87(2001)181801.

15. Tikhomirov V. V., Tselkov Yu. A. How particle collisions increase the rate of accretion from the cosmological background onto primordial black holes in braneworld cosmology. Phys. Rev. D. 72(2005)121301(R)

16. Tikhomirov V.V. Multiple Volume Reflection from Different Planes Inside One Bent Crystal. Phys. Lett. B. 655(2007)217; arXiv:0705.4206.

17. Scandale W, … Tikhomirov V.V. First observation of multiple volume reflection by different planes in one bent silicon crystal for high-energy protons. Phys. Lett. B. 682(2009)274.

18. Scandale W., … Tikhomirov V.V., Observation of multiple volume reflection by different planes in one bent silicon crystal for high-energy negative particles. Europhys. Lett. 93(2011)56002.

19. Guidi V., Bandiera L., Tikhomirov V.V. Radiation generated by single and multiple volume reflection of ultrarelativistic electrons and positrons in bent crystals. Phys.Rev.A. 86(2012)042903.

20. Bandiera L., ..Tikhomirov V. Broad and intense radiation accompanying multiple volume reflection of ultrarelativistic electrons in a bent crystal.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 111(2013)255502.

21. Mazzolari A., .. Tikhomirov V.Steering of a sub-GeV electron beam through planar channeling enhanced by rechanneling. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112(2014)135503.

22. Bandiera L, ..Tikhomirov V. Investigation of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by sub-GeV electrons in a bent crystal. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115(2015) 025504.

23. Tikhomirov V. V. Quantitative theory of channeling particle diffusion in transverse energy in the presence of nuclear scattering and direct evaluation of dechanneling length. Eur. Phys. J. C 77(2017)483.

24. Bandiera L., Tikhomirov V.V. et al. Strong reduction of the effective radiation length in an axially oriented scintillator crystal. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 021603.

25. Sytov A.I.,.. Tikhomirov V.V. Simulation code for modeling of coherent effects of radiation generation in oriented crystals. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22(2019) 064601.

26. Aiola S., ..Tikhomirov V. Progress towards the 1-rst measurement of charm baryon dipole moments, Phys. Rev. D 103(2021) 072003.

27. Sytov A .. Tikhomirov V. Geant4 simulation model of electromagnetic processes in oriented crystals for accelerator physics. Journal of the Korean Physical Society  2023. Vol. 83. P. 132–139.

28. Bandiera L, .. Tikhomirov V.V. A highly-compact and ultra-fast homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeter based on oriented lead tungstate crystals. Frontiers in Physics. 01 November 2023.
