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Siarhei Lapatsin

2021-09-10  点击:[]

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Given name


Last name





Date of Birth



Passport No.


Academic levels

BSc, MSc


Mechanics and Mathematical modeling

Professional Title





lapatsinsn@ gmail.com

Educational Background

Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, Belarusian State University:

    PhD student, Solid Mechanics (November 2019 – present)

    Master of Science, Mechanics (2017 – 2019)

    Bachelor of Science, Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling (2013 – 2017)

Work Experience

Assistant (2019 - present)

    Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Department, Belarusian State University

Software Engineer (2017 - present)

    Applied Mechanics Lab., Belarusian State University


Since 2019 I deliver the special course "Computer Mechanics" for 3rd-year students of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

ICM research internship, School of Computing and Mathematics, Keele University, Keele, United Kingdom (January 2020 – June 2020)

During the internship, I was focused on a research project in the field of wave propagation in elastic bodies supervised by Prof. Julius Kaplunov. More specifically our research group dealt with surface waves propagation in a half-space with a focus on the effects of added mass distributed along the surface. In addition, I presented a report on the topic of my master’s thesis.

Conference “Geodynamics and stress state of the Earth's interior”, Chinakal institute of mining (Russian Academy of Science), Novosibirsk, Russian Federation (October 2019)

Presented a report on the topic “Estimation of discontinuity and destruction areas in the neighborhood of a single vertical excavation in a multilayered frozen rock massif ”

Innovation business idea competition by INNOCENS, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (August 2019)

As a global finalist, I represented my university (as a part of BSU team) with the project “V-Score – cloud tool for quick and easy scoring”.

ICM research internship, School of Computing and Mathematics, Keele University, Keele, United Kingdom (January 2018 – April 2018)

During the internship, I was focused on a research project in the field of wave propagation in elastic bodies supervised by Dr. Danila Prikazchikov. More specifically our research group dealt with an asymptotic solution of a boundary value problem for a coated half-space subject to the tangential load applied at the surface of the coating layer and its numerical implementation. In addition, I took a number of courses in Applied Mathematics and Academic English.

Research Interests

My current research interests are in the field of geomechanics and application of numerical methods to geotechnical problems. More specifically, I am investigating the issues of strength and stability of rock masses and underground structures. Also, I have some background in composite material mechanics and mathematical physics.

Research Projects

As per my job responsibilities I am involved in a number of research projects dealing with strength, stability, durability and thermal analysis of rock massifs and underground structures under the framework of business contracts with mining companies of the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation.

In addition, I take part in the following state research program:

State research program “Convergence 2020” of the Republic of Belarus (state registration number 20161217). Task number “Development of mathematical models and methods for solving new classes of boundary value problems of continuum mechanics as applied to current contemporary problems of science and technology”.

Honors and Awards



1. Lapatsin, S., Prikazchikov D., 2021. Rayleigh-type wave on an elastic half-space with an added mass distributed along the surface. Book of Abstracts of 6th International Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering. – Novo mesto: Faculty of Industrial Engineering, p.16 (In English).

2. Zhuravkov M.A., Lapatsin S.N., 2021. Some model problems of shaft excavation in a multilayered rock massif. Proceedings of 36th international conference “Theoretical and Applied Mechanics”. – Minsk: BNTU (In Russian, preprint).

3. Zhuravkov M.A., Hvesenya S.S., Lapatsin S.N., 2020. Durability analysis of underground structures based on various creep models of the enclosing salt rock massif. E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 201, 01007 (In English).

4. Zhuravkov M.A., Hvesenya S.S., Lapatsin S.N., 2019. Estimation of discontinuity and destruction areas in the neighborhood of an excavation. Fundamental and Applied Issues of Mining Science. Vol. 6, № 2, pp. 103-107 (In Russian).

5. Zhuravkov M.A., Hvesenya S.S., Lapatsin S.N., Nikolaitchik, M.A., 2019. Strength and stability assessment of underground structure elements. Mechanics of Machines, Mechanisms and Materials. 4(49), pp. 84-88 (In Russian).

6. Kravchuk A.S., Kravchuk A.I., Lopatin S.N., 2019. Complete solution of the Lame problem for a thick-walled composite nonlinearly deformable cylinder. Construction Materials and Products, 2(4), pp.64-72 (in Russian).

7. Kravchuk A.S., Kravchuk A.I., Lopatin S.N., 2018 Solution of a physically nonlinear Lame problem for a thick-walled cylinder. Science and Business: Ways of Development, 5(83), pp. 11-16 (in Russian).

8. Kravchuk A.S., Kravchuk A.I., Lopatin S.N., 2017. General solution of second fundamental problem for the elastic ring with zero principal vectors of the forces applied to its boundary. Russian Internet Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5(1), pp. 35-44 (in Russian).

All the publications could be found at:

