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Dimitry Ivanov

2021-09-10  点击:[]

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Given name


Last name





Date of Birth



Passport No.


Academic levels



Fluid dynamics

Professional Title

Senior Researcher




[email protected]

Educational Background

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle(Saale), Germany.

Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry. November 2005

Belorussian State University, Faculty of Physics. Minsk, Belarus. M.Sc. in Physics. June 1999

Work Experience

Turbulence Laboratory

A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus

Minsk, Belarus

Senior Researcher

July 2014 – Present

B.I. Stepanovs Institute of Physics, National Academy of Science

Minsk, Belarus

Research Associate

July 1999 - October 2001


My first experience of teaching in a formal setting was during my graduate years, I gave a number of talks at Halle-Wittenberg University, in academic conferences. On one occasion, I gave several lectures to undergraduate students on the fundamentals of mathematical analysis and differential equationto a group of chemical engineers. I have learn slowly the subtle differences regarding teaching to students, presenting an idea to colleagues at a conference. At Maryland University, I was a co-adviser a number of graduate students. Under my advising they dealt with such important direction in the light scattering as study on diffusive transport and non-equilibrium processes in systems with liquid-liquid phase separation in multicomponent liquid systems.

At the my previous employment (Reykjavik University) have been preformed research of the Turbulence Flow in water with the particle imaging velocimetry measurements and analysis the data as well as to compare obtained results with numerical simulation data. In all these works also involved a couple of undergraduate and graduate students. I explained to them the basics that we have studied the phenomenon and methods of measurement.

My current employment in National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,  under my co-supervision they carried out many experiments, as well as perform independently some numerical and analitical calculations for the optimization of the turbulence methods. Also few of the students I am the co-adviser of his master thesis.

I can read a broad set of courses whose contents overlapped with many topics in my immediate area of research, such as Fluid Dynamics, Turbulence, and Transport Phenomena, at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, I can teach a number of standard Mechanical and Chemical Engendering courses such as Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Turbulent Flows as well as Critical Phenomena and Phase Transitions, or advanced topics in related areas.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics, Pattern Formation, and Nanobiocomplexity,

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization

Goettingen, Germany

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

December 2011 - April 2014

School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University

Reykjavik, Iceland

Postdoctoral Research Associate

October 2009 - October 2011

Department of Chemical Engineering,

Mason Laboratory, Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Postdoctoral Research Associate

March 2008 - August 2008

Institute for Physical Science and Technology,

University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland, USA

Postdoctoral Research Associate

March 2008 - July 2009

Chemical Engineering Department,

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Postdoctoral Research Associate

November 2006 - March 2008

Institute of Physical Chemistry, University Halle-Wittenberg

Halle(Saale), Germany

Graduate Research Assistant

October 2001 - October 2006

Research Interests

My recent research interests lie in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences with focus on Turbulence,

the mixing properties of turbulence, and motions of inertial particles in turbulent flows. Developing

experimental and numerical study tracer and inertial particles in turbulent flows and particles in fluids.

On the computational side, my recent interests lie in perform direct numerical simulation

(DNS) of turbulent flow with or without particles. DNS is the most accurate theoretical tools for

studies of turbulent flow.

My research interests also include study of laminar-to-turbulent transition regime. In this study, the

numerical software package OpenFOAM has been used in order to solve the flow field. The results were used in a comparative study with data obtained from Large Eddy Simulation (LES).

Research Projects

The aim of our current research project is to examine the influence of outside flow and wall stress on the generation of large-scale structures within the boundary layer, to identify the scale of structures responsible for a surface drag reduction and transport processes across the boundary layer. Of most interest is the region of the boundary layer between its outside part and the viscosity sublayer. A numerical study of the influence of passive control of the dynamic characteristics on the formation of vortex structures in separated flow by using vortex generators (VG) has been performed. We identify in this work the scale of structures responsible for a surface drag reduction and transport processes across the boundary layer. Majority of studies on turbulent boundary layer flow have focused on established the relationship between the efficiency of mixing streamwise flow and the geometry of the VG. The data obtained makes it possible to control the degree of mixing along the length of the mixer by choosing the VG’s geometry.

Honors and Awards

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Prize for best scientific work (for student) for 1999 year.

Republication Contest in 1999/2000 years for best scientific work for students for humanities,

natural and technical sciences.



V.P. Kozich, A.I. Vodtchits, D.A. Ivanov and V.A. Orlovich. Changing the statistical properties of

noisy laser radiation in a saturable absorber. Opt. Commun. 169, 97 (1999).

V.P. Kozich, A.I. Vodtchits, D.A. Ivanov and V.A. Orlovich. Raman amplification in barium

nitrate studied with focused laser beams. Proc. SPIE 4751 121 (2002).• Ivanov, D.A. and J. Winkelmann. Static and dynamic light scattering measurements near the

critical solution point of a ternary liquid mixture. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 3490 (2004).

Ivanov, D.A., Th. Grossmann and J. Winkelmann. Comparison of mutual diffusion coefficient data

in a ternary liquid mixture obtained by various experimental techniques. Fluid Phase Equil.

228-229, 283 (2005).

Ivanov, D.A. and J. Winkelmann. Multi-exponential decay autocorrelation function in dynamic

light scattering in near-critical ternary liquid mixture. J. Chem. Phys. 125, 104507 (2006).

Ivanov, D.A. and J. Winkelmann. Measurement of Diffusion in Ternary Liquid Mixtures by Light

Scattering Technique and Comparison with Taylor Dispersion Data. Int. J. Thermohys. 29, 1921


Subramanian, D., Ivanov, D.A., Yudin, I., Anisimov, M., and Sengers, J. Mesoscale Inhomogeneities

in Aqueous Solutions of 3–Methylpyridine and Tertiary Butyl Alcohol. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 56,

1238 (2011).

D.Ivanov and A.Chorny. Numerical modeling of the transitional boundary layer over a flat plate. Proc. Eng. Vol.163, Pages 2-5 (2016).

D.A. Ivanov T.A. Baranova, V.L. Zhdanov, Ya. I. Smulski, and V. I.Terekhov. Numerical analysis of reattached flow behind a rib. DAN Belarus, Vol. 61, No 1. (2018).

D.A. Ivanov T.A. Baranova, V.L. Zhdanov, Ya. I. Smulski, and V. I.Terekhov. Numerical analysis of reattached flow behind a rib. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 980, 012026. (2018).
