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Maryia Hundzina

2021-09-10  点击:[]

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Given name


Last name





Date of Birth



Passport No.


Academic levels



Applied Mathematics

Professional Title

Associate Professor




[email protected]

Educational Background

1. Belarusian State University, Sept., 2005 – June, 2009. Higher education.

2. Belarusian National Technical University, Nov., 2010 – Okt., 2014. Ph.D.

3. Wolfram Research, June, 2019. Certified Instructor.

Work Experience

Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus; 2009 – present; Associate Professor of Department «Engineering Mathematics» of Instrumentation Engineering Faculty.


Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus; 2009 – present; Department «Engineering Mathematics» of Instrumentation Engineering Faculty. Courses: Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Probability Theory, Computer science, Information Technology.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

Wolfram Research, June, 2019. Getting a certificate of Wolfram Instructor.

Research Interests

1. Mechanics of the deformable body.

2. Computational methods in applied mathematics.

3. Computer processing of images, obtained by industrial equipment.

4. Application of computer systems in education.

Research Projects

Fundamental Research Foundation project «Numerical simulation of heating and melting process in doped Ge on Si films under nanosecond laser irradiation». 2016 – 2018.

Honors and Awards

1. Honorary Diploma for the best young Scientist of the Belarusian National Technical University (2018).

2. Honorary Diploma for the best handler of the Belarusian National Technical University (2018).

3. Gratitude of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers for achievements in protecting labor, socio-economic rights and legitimate interests of trade union members (2020).



1. Hundzina M.A., Kondratyeva N.A. Mathematics. Differential equations: teaching guide for students. - Minsk: BNTU, 2019. - 43 p.

2. Gatskevich E.I., Hundzina M.A., Knyazev M.A. Informatics (materials for testing): teaching guide for students of technical specialties of the instrument-making faculty. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020. - 42 p.

3. Applied mathematics. Computational tasks: teaching guide for students / M.A. Hundzina [and others]. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020. - 110 p.

4. Probability theory and mathematical statistics: teaching guide for students / M. A. Hundzina [and others]. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020. - Part 1. - 54 p.


1. Hundzina M.A. Energy invariants in the theory of elastoplastic cracks. Science and technology.  2017. No. 4., pp. 355-362.

2. Hundzina M.A. The method of asymptotic expansions in problems of crack propagation. Finding the coefficient of nonlinearity. Vesnik Magіleўskaga dzyarzhaўnaga Unіversiteta name A.A. Kulyashov. 2019. 1 (53), pp. 63-70.

3. Hundzina M.A. Determination of the initial direction of crack development at the moment of starting. Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technology. 2019. 1 (38), pp. 40-44.

5. Kanashevich T.N.. Hundzina M.A., Kondratyeva N.A. Mathematical methods in assessing the effectiveness of students' educational activities. Adukatsya i vyhavanne. 2019. 6(330), pp. 11-16.

6. Kondratyeva N.A., Hundzina M.A. Features of digital competence within the disciplines of mechanics and mathematics. Mechanics and Mathematical Methods. Odessa. 2019, pp. 78-83.

7. Hundzina M.A., Kondratyeva N.A. Application of cloud technologies in mathematical training of students of a technical university. Bulletin of VSU. Vitebsk. 2020. No. 2. pp. 8-16.

8. Hundzina M.A. Overview of Wolfram Mathematica Functions Implementing Image Segmentation.  Mechanics and Mathematical Methods. Odessa. 2020, pp. 78-89.

9. Romanchak V.M., Hundzina M.A. Isolation of the periodic component by decomposition in singular wavelets. System Analysis and Applied Informatics. Minsk. 2020, pp. 4-8.

10. Romanchak V.M., Hundzina M.A. Standard and singular wavelet analysis. System Analysis and Applied Informatics. Minsk. No. 4. 2020, pp. 39-44.

11. Hundzina M.A. Spectral analysis of a signal in the Wolfram Mathematica system. Science and technology. Minsk. No. 20(2). 2021, pp. 173-178.

12. Hundzina M.A., Kondratyeva N.A. Development of interactive tests in Wolfram Mathematica and Delphi. Mechanics and Mathematical Methods. 2020. V. 2. No. 2, pp. 75-84.
