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Lizaveta Nikalaeva

2021-03-03  点击:[]

Personal information

Given name


Last name




Date of Birth



Passport No.


Academic levels



Product manager

Professional Title

Assistant Professor




[email protected]

Educational Background

- Ph. D. in physics and mathematics (Biomechanics) (2011)

- Postgraduate studies, A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (HMTI) (2007-2010)

- Physicist, Belarusian State University, Department of Physics, Biophysics specialization (2002-2007)

Work Experience

- April 2017 – present

Product manager, ADANI, Belarus

The main challenge was creating X-ray Computed tomography (CT) system from the scratch.

Now 10 more CT were installed and operating in several hospitals.

- February 2016 – March 2017

Application scientist, ADANI, Belarus

Design and development new applications for EPR spectrometers according to customer requirements. Testing new products and users training. Participation in exhibitions with the Company products presentation.

- February 2014 – February 2016

Post-doctoral researcher, University of Genova, Italy

Project: “Sviluppo di un nuovo dispositivo basato su polimeri elettro-attuati per la stimolazione meccanica di cellule in vitro”. (New devices development on the base of the electro actuated polymers for mechanical stimulation of cells in vitro).

Supervising PhD and Master thesis.

Laboratory work «Basis of AFM», DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy.

- June 2012 – January 2014  

Head of Biothermomechanics Laboratory, Academy of Science, Belarus

Supervising of projects, connected with scientific devices development, (5 projects). Scientific/ financial reports, preparation and writing scientific articles, searching partners, presentation of scientific research on international conferences and seminars.

- September 2009 - January 2014

Assistant Professor, Chair of Biomechanics, Belarusian State University, Belarus

Lectures «Methods of mechanics in micro- and nanotechnologies»,

Laboratory work «Basis of AFM» for 4th and 5th year students,

Supervising diploma and masters work

Supervising undergraduate practice BSUIR, BSPU students

- November 2010 - June 2012

Researcher, Laboratory of nanoprocesses and technologies, Academy of Science, Belarus

Researches in biomechanics, evaluation of biological objects elasticity

- August 2007 – November 2010

Researcher, PhD student, Academy of Science, Belarus

- February 2007- June 2007

Laboratory Technician

Scientific-practical Centre of Cardiology, Minsk, Belarus


- May 2014 – January 2016

Laboratory work «Basis of AFM», DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy

Supervising PhD and Master thesis.

- September 2009 – January 2014  

Lectures «Methods of mechanics in micro- and nanotechnologies», Belarusian State University;

Laboratory work «Basis of AFM» for 4th and 5th year students, Belarusian State University.

Supervising diploma and master’s work.

Supervising undergraduate practice BSUIR, BSPU students.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

2018 CMEF (as exhibitor), Shanghai, China.

2018 Medica (as exhibitor), Dusseldorf, Germany.

September – October 2017 working practice in SINOVISION Technologies CO., Ltd., Beijing, China.

2014 – 2016 working in English speaking international laboratory as PostDoc in Genova University.

From 2009 till 2015 taking part in International conferences in Japan, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Netherland.

Research Interests

Mechanical Properties of living Cell’s


Atomic Force Microscopy

Force Spectroscopy

Image Analysis

Clinical Hematology

Cell Mechanics

Blood Cells


EPR Spectroscopy

Research Projects

PostDoc position was connected with the project “New devices development on the base of the electro actuated polymers for mechanical stimulation of cells in vitro”.

Supervising 5 scientific projects in HMTI.

PhD thesis’s - «Experimental evaluation of biological cells local elastic properties by the methods of contact mechanics»

Honors and Awards

- World Federation of Scientists Fellowship 2010-2011, WFS section of «Medicine and Biothechnology».

- Research grant of the President of Republic of Belarus for Ph.D. students 2010.


Books -

Total number of publication - 64


Reviewed articles - 23

Articles in proceedings of conferences -  20

Last publication:

- CL316,243, a β3-adrenergic receptor agonist, induces muscle hypertrophy and increased strength / November 2016. Scientific Reports 5(1):37504 /

- Shell theory-based estimation of local elastic characteristics of biological cells // Shell and membrane theories in mechanics and biology: from macro- to nanoscale structures / Ed.: H. Altenbach, G. Mikhasev, Springer. – 2015. – Chapter 7. – P. 133-146.

Patents -  2
