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Ihar Stashkevich

2020-09-17  点击:[]

Educational Background

- M. Sc. in Physics, 1982, Department of laser physics and spectroscopy, Belarussian State University, Minsk, Belarus. Specialization – laser physics and spectroscopy.

- Ph.D. in Physics, 1989, Department of Physics, Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus. Thesis title: “The study of the diffractive properties of electrically controlled systems "relief grating - liquid crystal"

Work Experience

1982 - 1983 Trainee teacher

1983 - 1989  Researcher.

1989 - 1990  Assistant.

1990 - now   Associate Professor.


1982 - 1983 Trainee teacher

1989 - 1990  Assistant.

1990 - now   Associate Professor.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

Germany, Poland, Chech Republic, Finland- participation in English-language scientific conferences

Research Interests

- Solid state lasers.

- Optical holography.

Research Projects

Development of a method for increasing the power of pulsed lasers and stabilizing the pulse duration by cavity dumping through the second harmonic generation

Honors and Awards

- Bronze medal ENEA USSR for the diffraction control device.

- Expert of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research on Optics section


1. I.V.Stashkevitch. Laser Physics. Minsk, BSU. 2006. 88 pp.

2. R. I. Navitskaya∗ and I. V. Stashkevitch. Cavity Dumping by the Second Harmonic Generation in the Mode-Locked Nd:YAG Laser. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, vol. 22, no. 2 (2019), pp. 177 – 189.

3. Stаshkevitch I. V. Gerаsimenko V. I. The Matrix Effect on Generation of Quasi-Three-Level Continuous Wave Neodymium Laser under Inhomogeneous Pumping. J. Belarus. State Univ. Phys. 2018, no 2, pp.11-16.

4. Gorbatsevich A. S., Navitskaya R. I., Stashkevich I. V. Cavity dumping by the second harmonic generation. J. Belarus. State Univ. Phys. 2017. No. 2. P. 57– 62 (in Russ.).
