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Irina Shapochkina

2020-09-17  点击:[]

Educational Background

Graduate Education  1989-1994, Department of Physics, Belarusian State University

and Qualification   M.Sc. Degree in Physics

Postgraduate Education   2012, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Ph.D. Degree

and Qualification    B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

(Thesis: "Nanoparticle transport in a time-dependent periodic potential with complex spatial structure")

2015, Docent (Associate Professor ) Degree in Physics

Belarusian State University

Work Experience

2017 – present, Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Computer Simulations, Faculty of Physics, BSU;

2013 – 2017, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Simulations, Faculty of Physics, BSU;

1997 – 2010, Lecturer, Department of Educational Technologies, National Institute for Higher Education (Minsk, Belarus);

2004 – 2013, Lecturer, Department of Methods in Physics and Computer Science and Department of Computer Simulations, Faculty of Physics, BSU;

2000 – 2007, Lecturer, Minsk City Institute for the Development of Education (Minsk, Belarus);

1996 – 2004, Lecturer assistant, Department of Methods in Physics and Computer Science, Faculty of Physics, BSU;

1994 – 1996, Junior researcher, Department of Methods in Physics and Computer Science , Faculty of Physics, BSU.


1) BSU:

Modelling of Brownian motors

Controlled Diffusion Systems

Modelling of controlled transport at nanoscale

Programming and Mathematical Modelling

Integrated Course of Modelling in Physics

Numerical Methods and Simulations

Computer Graphics

Pedagogical Computer Support

2) National Institute for Higher Education:

Information Computer Technologies in Education
Information Systems and Technologies for Management Activities
Computer Testing Technologies
Technologies for the Development of Electronic Educational Resources

The Use of Computer Mathematics Systems in Education and Research,


3) In 2017 acted as an expert in control in the discipline of “Programming and Mathematical Modeling” during state accreditation in the specialty 1-31 04 08 Computer Physics.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

1) Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan and Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

three months annually (Sep-Dec)

in the period from 2010 to 2017

2) Institute of Physics National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (Dec. 2017)

3) Semenov Federal Research Center of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (joint project, 2018-2020)

4) Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine (joint scientific research, 2010-present)

Research Interests

Scientific Scope  Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Computer Simulations in Physics

Specialization   Physics of Diffusional Processes;

Controlled transport at the nanoscale;

Brownian Motors;  Polarization spectroscopy;

Numerical Simulations

At present, my research interest and the main important and fruitful results are in the field of the theory of control of nonequilibrium processes in nanoscale systems, in particular, the theory of Brownian motors or ratchets (appearance of directed motion as a result of rectification of nonequilibrium unbiased fluctuations of characteristics of a system or external fields applied to it). Research in this area forms one of the rapidly growing areas of modern thermodynamics and statistical physics. The results are important for understanding the mechanisms of energy conversion at the nanoscale, and they also form the basis for future developments in the field of drug transport, controlling the movement of protein motors in cells, and creating artificial nano-devices.

Research Projects

At present I am a head of the project “Brownian motors governed by a spatially harmonic signal” (Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, Belarus – Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research).

Honors and Awards

2017-2018 Personal grant from the President of the Republic of Belarus in the field of education;

Certificates of honor of Faculty of Physics (2008).

1996 Presidential scholarship for postgraduate students
