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Alexander Mazanik

2020-09-17  点击:[]

Educational Background

1993–1999: Faculty of Physics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus, Master of Physics (specialization in Physics of Semiconductors);

2004: defense of PhD thesis “Electrical activity of intergrain boundaries in silicon poly- and bicrystals”, Faculty of Physics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.

Work Experience

1999–2006: Researcher, Energy Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Belarusian State University;

2006–2008: Assistant Professor, Energy Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Belarusian State University;

2006–2019: Associate Professor, Energy Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Belarusian State University;

2019–present: Head of Energy Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Belarusian State University.


Author of study courses for the students of the Energy Physics Department of BSU in the field of solid-state physics, materials science, characterization of materials, opto- and microelectronics, etc.

Key executor of the following international education projects:

“Development of Training Network for Improving Education in Energy Saving” (TEMPUS ЕU program)

“Improvement of master-level education in the field of physical sciences in Belarusian universities” (ERASMUS+ EU program)

Research Interests

Materials for solar energy (hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites, semiconductor bismuth compounds, oxide semiconductors).

Research Projects

Head of the following projects (since 2016):

– Ecological highly-effective photovoltaic elements and photodetectors based on nanostructured oxide and sulphide compounds of bismuth and copper (2016–2020, State research program of Republic of Belarus “Photonics, Opto- and Microelectronics”, under execution);

– Non-stationary optical processes in compensated silicon carbide and chalcogenide 2D semiconductors (2017-2018, Belarus-Lithuania bilateral research project, successfully completed);

– Study of photodegradation processes in organic solar cells (2016-2018, Belarus-Israel bilateral research project, successfully completed).

Optical characteristics of pristine and ion-implanted synthetic diamonds (2017, contract with Vilnius University, successfully completed);

Modification of optical and photoelectrical properties of artificial diamonds by high energy electron irradiation (2018, contract with Vilnius University, successfully completed);

– Modification of optical and photoelectrical properties of electron irradiated artificial diamonds by heat treatments (2019, contract with Vilnius University, successfully completed).

Honors and Awards

BSU A.N. Sevchenko prize winner in the field of natural sciences for young researchers (2009, jointly with M.S. Tivanov and O.V. Korolik).
