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Natalia Yurova

2020-09-16  点击:[250]

Education Background:

1. Belarusian Commercial University of Management

Dates Attended 01/09/1993 − 29/06/1997

Subject/Major Fields International economic relations

Diploma and Degree received (with date) Diploma with honor (29/06/1997)

2. Belarusian State University

Subject/Major Fields Economics (postgraduate studies)

Diploma and Degree received (with date) Diploma of the Candidate of Economics (17/06/2003)

Work Experience:

1. Present Employer: Belarusian State University

Address: Minsk, Leningradskaya av., 20-512 Belarus  220030

Faculty/Department/Institute if applicable: Faculty of International Relations

Position and Duties: Associate Professor (Period of Employment: from 2007 to present);

Head of International economic relations Department (Period of Employment: from April 2017 to present)

2. Previous Employer/Institution: Belarusian State University


Employer / Institution

Position and Duties


Belarusian State University, Faculty of International Relations  (Minsk)

Associate Professor


Minsk Institute of Management, Faculty of Economics  (Minsk)

Associate Professor


Belarusian Commercial University of Management, , Faculty of Economics  (Minsk)

Lecturer, Postgraduate Student


Belarusian Commercial University of Management, , Faculty of Economics  (Minsk)


Research field and topic:

1. Human potential in Economy

2. Sustainable economic development of countries

3. Foreign economic policy of Republic Belarus

4. Foreign trade of Republic of Belarus with main trade partner countries (China, Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, EU countries)

A list of publications (40):

1. Natalia Yurova. Human development in China: social economic aspect. − Belarus and China, 11. Minsk: National institute of higher education,. – p. 178-182 (Russian language).

2. Natalia Yurova. The level and quality of life in China as a factor in the development of economic integration. − Belarus and China, 12. Minsk: National institute of higher education,, 2013. – p. 43-50. (Russian language).

3. Natalia Yurova. Human potential in economics: theoretical approach and measurement features// New Economy. 2013. –№ 1 (61)– – p. 160-166 (Russian language).

4. Natalia Yurova. Development of Human Potential in the Conditions of Economic Crisis: World Experience and Problems of the Republic of Belarus / Eastern Europe. Prospects. – 2013. - № 3-4 – P. 111 – 122.

5. Natalia Yurova. Foreign economic activity of the Republic of Belarus as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union / Н.В. Юрова, Ю.Г. Киреева // Журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2015. — №3. — С 71-80.

6. Natalia Yurova. Prospects for the development of trade relations between the PRC and Vietnam in the context of regional integration. / Н.В. Юрова, Яо Цзяхуэй − Belarus and China, № 14. Minsk: National institute of higher education, 2017. – p. 178-182 (Russian language)
