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Mikalai Cherenda

2019-09-06  点击:[]


- 1993: graduated from the Physics Faculty of the Belarusian  State University with the first class honours degree. The diploma paper “The change of the physico-mechanical properties of ion-implanted steel X12M”.

- 1993 – 1995: a post-graduate student, the Department of Solid State Physics of the Belarusian State  University.

- 1999: got the PhD degree at the Belarusian State University, the PhD thesis: “The structural and phase changes in aluminium during successive implantation of carbon and nitrogen ions”.

Professional career (incl. acad. awards and prizes):

1995: in recognition and appreciation of outstanding achievements in the study of science at the       post-graduate level received money prize from the International Soros Education    programme.

1995 – 1999: an Engineer, the Department of Solid  State Physics of the Belarusian State    University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)

1999 – 2000: an Assistant lecturer, the Department of Solid State Physics of the Belarusian State        University.

2000 – 2001: a Senior lecturer, the Department of Solid State Physics of the Belarusian State    University.

2001 – 2003: a Senior researcher, the Research Laboratory “Physics of ion-plasma modification       of solids”, the Department of Solid State Physics of the Belarusian  State University.

2003 – 2006: a Senior lecturer, the Department of Solid State Physics of the Belarusian  State    University.

2004 – a young scientist fellowship grant of INTAS (EU). June – August 2004 and June ‑  August 2005: research work at Augsburg University, the Institute of Experimental  Physics IV (Augsburg, Germany ) under EU grant (INTAS). Project «Modification of

      High-Speed Steel by Pulsed Plasma Beams for Tribological Applications».

2006 – hither to: an Associate Professor (Dozent) , the Department of Solid State Physics of the        Belarusian State  University

2007 – in recognition and appreciation of outstanding achievements received an honour diploma      of the Belarusian State  University

2008 – awarded the academic rank of Associate Professor (Dozent – a former USSR


2008 – grant of Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst. July – August 2008

research work at Augsburg University, the Institute of Experimental Physics IV

(Augsburg, Germany ). Project «Plasma Mixing in a “Coating/Substrate” System»

2012 – grant of Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst. July – August 2012

research work at Augsburg University, the Institute of Experimental Physics IV

(Augsburg, Germany ). Project “Treatment of metals and semiconductors by quasi-

stationary plasma flows for industrial application”.

2012 – honour diploma of the Belarusian State University (2nd prize in competition on the best

supervisor of students scientific work)

2014 – Awarded by National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Siberian branch of Russian

Academy of Sciences for the work in the field of improvement of eutectic silumin surface

properties by intense electron, ion and plasma beams (Koptug prize)

2015 – Awarded by Belarusian State  University for the work in the field of X-ray diffraction

      analysis application (theoretical and experimental studies)
       (prize of academician A.N. Sevchenko)

Scientific field and expertise:

N.N. Cherenda has been working for more than 25 years in the field of materials modification by ion and plasma beams investigating their phase and structure transformations, elements redistribution, surface phenomena, tribological properties (hardness, friction, wear).

Main regularities of structure and phase changes in aluminium subjected to carbon and nitrogen implantation were found. Formation of nanosized (5-10 nm) aluminium carbide precipitates was observed. Model of their formation was developed.

The principles of structure changes (as well as elemental and phase composition, properties changes) of a wide range of materials (different types of steel, superalloys, aluminum alloys, etc.) under the influence of compression of the plasma flow are identified. Positive results on manufacturing testing of high speed steel cutters, modified by compression plasma flows were obtained. Basic principles of metal and semiconductor materials alloying using plasma flows have been developed, new methods of doping (patented in Russia and Belarus ) have been proposed. Method of deposition of nanostructured metal-containing coating by means of compression of the plasma flows was designed. At present he is working on dissertation (degree Doctor of Sciences) with the theme “Dynamic phenomena during interaction of compression plasma flows with the surface of metals and alloys”.

Hirsch Index – 12 (Scopus). Mean number of citations per article – 4.5 (Scopus).

N.N. Cherenda has acquired skills on:

– vacuum deposition and implantation technique;

– X-ray diffraction analysis (determination of the phase composition and strains analysis);

– transmission electron microscopy (including a technique of samples preparation);

– Rutherford backscattering analysis;

– Auger electron spectroscopy;

– scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis;

– hardness measurements;

– tribological testing.

N.N. Cherenda has 20 years of experience in solid state physics and materials science lecturing to advanced students, supervising students’ term and diploma works, master’s and PhD these. He is reading lectures on courses: “Solid state physics”, “Construction materials of nuclear reactors”, “Methods of materials mechanical testing”.

N.N. Cherenda has been a scientific supervisor and an executive researcher of a number of scientific projects fulfilled in the Belarusian State University and of the International project (financed by EU).

N.N. Cherenda is Associate Editor of «High Temperature Material Processes: An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes» journal (indexed in Scopus and Web of Science)

N.N. Cherenda has work experience in international teams. Knows English, possesses basic knowledge of German.
