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Iryna Slavashevich

2019-09-06  点击:[]


02/04/2017 – 02/11/2017    Research work at Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering of Loughborough University.

01/11/2016 – 31/03/2017    Research work at Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics Department of Rzeszow University of Technology.

16/10/2015 – 20/10/2015    CISM AIMETA course on “Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics”. Coordinators: Stéphan Avril (Ecole des Mines, Saint-Etienne, France), Sam Evans (Cardiff University, UK).

15/09/2014 – 19/09/2014    CISM AIMETA course on “Shell-like Structures: Advanced Theories and Applications”. Coordinators: Holm Altenbach (Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany), Victor A. Eremeyev (Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany).

01/11/2010 – 31/10/2013    Postgraduate course of Belarusian State University.
PhD in biomechanics (Candidate of Science in physico-mathematical science) since 27/12/2016. The title of thesis is
Biomechanical models of the reconstructed middle ear under tympanoplasty and stapedoplasty.

01/09/2009 – 30/06/2010    Postgraduate course of Belarusian State University.
MSc in biomechanics (Master of Science in physico-mathematical science) since 01/07/2010. The title of thesis is “Strain-stress
state of the reconstructed middle ear subjected to tympanostepedoplasty.

01/09/2006 – 30/06/2009    Mechanical and |Mathematical Department of Belarusian State University.  
Mathematician and economist (Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance) since 01/07/2009.

01/09/2004 – 30/06/2009    Mechanical and |Mathematical Department of Belarusian State University.
Mechanic, applied mathematician (Bachelor of Science in Mechanics and Applied Mathematics) since 01/07/2009. The title of degree work is “Analysis of wave motions on the boundary of a solid half-space and a plane solid layer”.

Additional Education:

01/01/2011 – 01/02/2011    Software Testing Introduction training, EPAM, Belarus.
Certificate in Software Testing.


22/02/2018 – Now               Leading Researcher at ADANI Technologies.

Responsibilities:                  Carrying-out of research and development project in artificial intelligence.

01/09/2016 – 31/01/2018    Senior Lecturer at Mechanical and Mathematical Department of Belarusian State University.

Responsibilities:                  Carrying-out of research work and teaching.

02/09/2013 – 31/08/2016    Assistant at Mechanical and Mathematical Department of Belarusian State University.

Responsibilities:                  Carrying-out of research work and teaching.

Main experience

· Great personal experience in solution of complex mechanical, mathematical and computational problems in the framework of high intensive R&D projects.

· Experience in development of  x-ray image processing algorithms.

· Experience in application of numerical, asymptotic and finite element methods for complicated calculations in biomechanical modeling.

· Excellent communication and organization skills developed in variety of deadline orientated situations.

· 2 successful research projects at Loughborough University and Rzeszow University of Technology.

· 4 successful research projects at BSU including 3 large-scale ones during 9 years since 2010.


· Deep  knowledge of  mechanics and mathematics.

· Deep  knowledge of a number of specialized software tools like Mathematica, Maple, MATLAB.

· Good  knowledge of  programming language Python.

· Good  knowledge of  computing platform CUDA, open-source web application Jupyter Notebook.

Additional Professions and Skills:

· Driver’s license for category B.

· Pleasure Craft Operator Card (Canadian boating license).

Fields of Application:

· Theory of Sophie Germain plates, numerical and asymptotic methods as well as the finite element method in biomechanics; Static and dynamic biomechanical models of the reconstructed middle ear consisting of the reconstructed tympanic membrane and the prosthesis, which replaces the entire ossicular chain; analysis of dependencies of the characteristics of the strain-stress state in the reconstructed middle ear on the geometrical parameters of the prosthesis; asymptotic solutions of the equations of an isotropic plate motion under defined displacement of the inner contour; analysis of dependencies of the main dynamic characteristics of vibrating system in the reconstructed middle ear on the geometrical and physical parameters of the inserted prosthesis; development of finite element models of the reconstructed middle ear subjected to stapedoplasty and stapedotomy.

· Development of artificial intelligence algorithms for classification and pattern recognition.

· Development of computer vision algorithms for processing and analysis of X-ray images.


2016 – 2020    R & D of “Development of mathematical models and methods of investigation of
biomechanical systems and organs” State Program Scientific Research “Convergence”, subprogram "Mathematical Methods", Belarus.

2011 – 2013    Scientific Research Grant of Belarusian republican fund of fundamental research in the
contest «Nauka-
М» (“Science-M”): “Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in the biomechanical system, tooth-periodontium”, Belarus.

     2012          Scientific Research Grant of Ministry of Education: “Development of methodology for
valuation of stresses in the eardrum of the middle ear with total reconstruction”, Belarus.

     2011          Scientific Research Grant of the Belarusian State University: “Analysis of free and forced
vibrations of the tooth root in the periodontal viscoelastic membrane, subject to the bone tissue atrophy”, Belarus.

2006 – 2010    R & D of “Modeling of the normal middle ear and after surgical reconstruction,
of prosthesis in  accordance to the technical  specs "Mechanics 9.4" State complex program Scientific Research "Mechanics", Belarus.

Other Achievement:

Methods of the oval window fenestration in stapedoplasty and the techniques of stapes footplate perforation were introduced into clinical practice in the adult surdo-phoniatric department of the «National Hearing, Voice and Speech Pathology Clinical Hospital» placed in Minsk, Belarus. It led to the reduction of negative post-operation effects.

Personal Qualities:

· Responsible, initiative and communicative person focused on the result, quickly and easily learned in different fields of the knowledge.

· No bad habits.

List of Principal Publications

Refereed Journals:

1. Bosiakov, S.M. Effect of hyrax screw localization on cranium response during rapid maxillary expansion. / Bosiakov S [et al.]. – Mechanica 89  (2/17). –2017. – P. 17–28.

2. Bosiakov, S. M. Finite element modeling of free oscillations of the reconstructed middle ear under stapedotomy / S. M. Bosiakov, I. L. Slavashevich, K. S. Yurkevich, G. I. Mikhasev // Vestnik Belarusian State University. Ser. 1. 2016. № 1. – P. 101–106

3. Mikhasev, G. I. Prediction of Eigenfrequencies of the Middle Ear Oscillating System after Tympanoplasty and Stapedotomy / G. I. Mikhasev, I. Slavashevich, K. Yurkevich // Shell and Membrane Theories in Mechanics and Biology: from Macro- to Nanoscale Structures / ed.: H. Altenbach, G. I. Mikhasev. – Ser. Advanced Structured Materials. – 2015. – Vol. 45. − P. 243−265.

4. Slavashevich, I.L. Local oscillations of an annular plate with a nonconcentric circular cutout / Slavashevich I.L., Mikhasev G.I. // Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. - 2015. - Issue. 30. - P. 315-320.

5. Slavashevich I., Yurkevich K. Eigenfrequencies of the reconstructed middle ear subjected to tympanoplasty and stapedotomy // Theoretical and applied mechanics. ‑ 2014. – № 29 , Minsk, 2014 – P. 282-286

6. Mikhasev G.,  Slavashevich I. Fundamental frequencies of the vibration system of the middle ear after total reconstruction // Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Ser. 1. 3, 107-116, 2012.

7. Slavashevich I., Mikhasev G.,  Petrova L. Free oscillations modeling  of the reconstructed middle ear, subjected to tympanostapedoplasty and the footplate perforation  // Vestnik Belarusian State University. Ser. 1. 2012. № 1. – P. 105–110

8. Slavashevich I., Mikhasev G. Modeling of free oscillations of the reconstructed middle ear, subjected to tympanostapedoplasty and the footplate perforation// Vestnik  of  Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. - 2011. - № 4 (2) - N.  Novgorod, 2011, P. 527-529.

9. Slavashevich I., Mikhasev G., Petrova L. Modeling of free  vibrations of the reconstructed middle ear, subjected to tympanostapedoplasty and the footplate perforation// Theoretical and applied mechanics. - 2011. - № 26 - Minsk, 2011, P. 196-202.

10. Slavashevich I., Mikhasev G. Evaluation of the stresses, acting on the fixed T-like prothesis, under tympanostapedoplasty of the middle ear // Theoretical and applied mechanics. ‑ 2010. – № 25 , Minsk, 2010 – P. 252-257

Conference Proceedings:

11. Slavashevich I. Eigenfrequencies of the reconstructed middle ear after tympanoplasty and stapedotomy corresponding to the case when the prosthesis is fixed // GAMM 2015 – 86st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. – March 23-27, 2015, Lecce, Italy. – Abstracts at

12. Slavashevich, I. Analyse of natural frequencies of reconstructed middle ear after tympanoplasty and stapedotomy / I. Slavashevich, G. Mikhasev, K. Yurkevich // Advanced Problems in Mechanics : Book of abstracts of XLII Summer School-Conference, St. Petersburg, 30 June – 5 July 2014 / IPM RAS. – St. Petersburg, 2014. – P. 75.

13. Mikhasev, G. I. On influence of footplate perforation technique on natural frequencies of reconstructed middle ear subjected to tympanoplasty and stapedotomy / G. I. Mikhasev, I. L. Slavashevich, K. S. Yurkevich // Shell and Membrane Theories in Mechanics and Biology from macro- to nanoscale, Minsk, 16–20 sept. 2013. – Minsk, 2013. – P. 173–175.

14. Slavashevich I., Mikhasev G. Modeling of free oscillations of the reconstructed middle ear, subjected to tympanostapedoplasty and the footplate perforation// Topical problems of mechanics. Abstracts of the Xth All-Russian congress of the fundamental problems of theoretical and applied mechanics. Nizhny Novgorod, 24-30 august 2011. – 2011.  P.100

15. Mikhasev G.,  Slavashevich I., Ermochenko S. Biomechanical Models of Reconstructed Middle Ear  Subjected to Tympanoplasty// Abstracts of the 3rd  ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering / Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis, V. Plevris (eds.). ‑ Corfu, Greece,  25-28 May 2011.

16. Mikhasaev, G. Evaluation of the Strain-Stress State of the Middle Ear Subjected to Total Reconstruction / G. Mikhasev, I. Slavaschevich, S. Ermochenko // GAMM 2010 : 81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 22–26 march 2010, Karlsruhe, [Electronic resource]. – Karlsruhe, 2010. – Mode of access: . – Date of access: 25.11.2010.

17. Mikhasev G. Evaluation of initial stresses in the middle ear after the installation of the prosthesis type PORP for reconstruction of various technologies tympanic membrane / Mikhasev G., Slavashevich I., Ermochenko S. // Biomechanics 2010: Abstracts of the Xth All-Russian conference/Chief editor: Prof. L.Yu. Kossovich. Saratov: Sarat university publishers, 2010. - P.120-121.
