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Vasily Volkov

2019-06-26  点击:[]

Education Background:

  • Doctor of Science.  Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations, Belarus State University, February 2001.

    Dissertation title:  Methods of numerical simulations of nonlinear wave dynamics in optical systems.

    Research  supervisors:  V.N.Abrashin, A.A.Afanas’ev

  • Ph.D.,   Computational Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences. December 1988

    Dissertation title:  Methods of numerical simulations of self-action effects at propagation of optical radiation in nonlinear media.

     Research  supervisors:  A.A.Afanas’ev, V.V.Drits

  • M.S.,  Physics, Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute, June,  1983.

    Thesis title:  Pyroelectric  effects in  four-components segnetoceramic.

    Research  supervisor:  M.K.Savchuk

Work Experience:

  • February  2005 – present:  Professor

    Department of Web-technologies and computer modeling, Belarus State University.

  • July  2001 – August 2006: Engineer  

    Virtual Photonics Inc., VPI Development Center, Minsk, Belarus

  • June  2001 – December  2007 Lead Senior Scientist

    Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus

  • January  1994 – June  2001:  Senior Scientist

    Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus

  • February  1988 – December  1993: Scientist

    Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus

Research Funding Grants:

1. F10R-103  “Compact finite-difference schemes with spectral-like resolution for numerical simulations of nonlinear dynamics of femtosecond optical pulsed beams using parallel computing”, Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, 2010-2012, V.M.Volkov (PI)

2. Convergence-2011-2015, “Spectral-Difference methods and digital signal processing algorithms for numerical solving differential and integral equations”, Ministry of education, 2011-2015, V.M.Volkov (PI)

3. Convergence-2020, “Spectral-Difference methods and iterative algorithms for multidimensional problems in mathematical physics, Ministry of education, 2016-2020, V.M.Volkov (PI)

Honors and Awards:

1. Institute of Mathematic NAS Award  “The Best Paper of  Young Scientist 1988”, May 1988

2. Institute of Mathematic, NAS  Award  “The Best Paper Series” February 2001.

3. B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Contest " Stepanov readings-2013", II degree Diploma.

4. Member of Specialized Council awarding PhD and Doctor of Sciences degrees in Computer Sciences

5. Since 2011, United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus  
