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Ice Related Problems on Inland Waters – Central European Perspective

2019-12-06 Tomasz Kolerski 点击:[]

报告题目:Ice Related Problems on Inland Waters – Central European Perspective

报告人Professor Tomasz Kolerski

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

时间:2019129 10:00-11:00



The presence of ice in rivers is an important aspect to be considered in the development of water resources in cold regions including Poland. River ice research has largely been driven by engineering and environmental problems that concern society. Ice formation can affect many fields of hydraulics, hydrology, civil engineering, ship design and ecology. The lecture will focus on the results of research on mathematical modeling of ice phenomena on rivers and in water reservoirs. The performed analysis included the processes leading to ice formation on rivers, its transformation and break-up. A significant part of this work refers to ice jam formation and break-up. The knowledge of ice-related processes was a basis for the presentation of an adequate mathematical description. On the basis of knowledge and experience gained during many numerical experiments conducted in idealized conditions and in the actual area, several significant conclusions have been drawn regarding calculations for ice dynamics on rivers and in reservoirs.


Tomasz Kolerski, PhD. DSc. Eng. – expert in mathematical modeling of river ice processes, committee member of IAHR ICE. He conducted research on ice jam dynamics in rivers and water reservoirs. He is author or coauthor of over 80 papers and reports, mostly on river ice. In 1993 – 1998 he studied at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology. Since October 1998, upon obtaining Master’s degree, joined the Institute of Hydro-engineering of Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN) in Gdansk as an assistant in the Department of Hydrodynamics of Rivers and Water Reservoirs. From 2004 was a doctor of Technical Science in the field of civil engineering. Upon defending doctoral dissertation, in order to increase his knowledge and skills within the field of mathematical modelling of ice phenomena on inland waters he moved to Clarkson University, working under supervision of Prof Hung Tao Shen. Since 2010 he was employed at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland.
