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Uladzimir Vasilievich Uhlou


Educational Background

Head Department of Solid State Physics, Belarusian State University. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2006), Professor (2008), awarded the 1st degree diploma of the Institute of Physics named after B.I. Stepanov National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2010), Prize of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus (2011), Certificate of Honor of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (2013), Prize named after V. Academician V.A. Koptyuga (2014).

The main results of scientific activity:

A cycle of theoretical and experimental studies to establish the patterns and features of structural-phase transformations in the surface layers of metals and alloys under high-energy combined ionic and plasma impacts and included in the Mössbauer Effect Data Center (MEDC, USA).

It has been theoretically and experimentally established that the dynamic processes occurring in nanoparticles up to 50 nm in size under radiation exposure (ions, electrons, hard γ-quanta) form force factors (elastic and thermoelastic lattice reactions), which significantly affect the evolution of defect-impurity systems and leading, in turn, to a decrease in the defectiveness of the material.

As a consequence, the concept of creating radiation-resistant nanostructured materials was developed, which is based on the mechanisms of self-organizing behavior of nanoparticles in the field of ionizing radiation.

The physical mechanisms of the influence of size effects on the resistance of ODS steels to the effects of fission fragments have been established (theory, experiment).

International activity:

Member of the European Materials Science Society, Member of international scientific and program committees of a number of congress, symposia and conferences: "The European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting"; Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects; "Physics of interaction of charged particles with crystals"; Plasma Physics and Plasma Technologies; "Nanomaterials: Application and Properties"; Nuclear and Radiation Physics; "Interaction of radiation with a solid". Member of the editorial board of international journals - 2. Management of international projects within the BRFFR - 5, SCST - 1. Number of plenary reports at international congresses - 4.

Innovation results:

Development, testing and implementation of a unique technological complex for combined high-energy ion and plasma effects, providing a significant increase in the operational characteristics of products and parts used (and implemented) at mechanical engineering enterprises, in scientific and factory laboratories of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in the near and far abroad.

Creation of radiation-resistant composite nanostructured materials for fuel rods of nuclear power plants operating in extreme conditions.

Development and implementation of installations for the study of friction processes and adhesive properties of coatings.