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Aleh Nasan


Educational Background

Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body Ph.D. student, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (October 2013 – October 2016).

Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body M.S., Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
(June 2013), thesis title: “Spatial Stress-Strain State and the State Of Damageability of the Clamp-Knife-Base System of Harvester Cutting Instrument”.

Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Higher Education Diploma with Distinction, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (June 2012).

Work Experience

Senior Lecturer, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (09/2017 – present, part time).

Software Developer, Engineering Intent Corporation, Medfield, Massachusetts, USA (04/2019 – present, full time).

Developer of the ETO system.

Software Engineer, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (09/2016 – present, part time).

Researched spatial stress-strain state and the state of damageability of the:

· wheel-rail system in tribo-fatigue statement;

· pipe section with different kinds of inner defects in different environments;

· pipe section with different kinds of inner defects in different environments repaired by different bondages;

· boring bar front-end support of heavy-duty horizontal boring lathe.

All systems were modeled analytically, numerically and by finite-element computer modeling.

Software Engineer, Polensol, Minsk, Belarus (07/2016 – 07/2018, part time).

Infotech add-in for SolidWorks, Inventor and NX.

Researcher, Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (06/2013 – 09/2017, part time).

Researched dynamic spatial stress-strain state and the state of damageability of the clamp-knife-base system of harvester cutting instrument modeled analytically, numerically and by finite-element computer modeling.

Assistant, Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (12/2009 – 06/2013, part time).

Researched static stress-strain state of the pipe section with defects and stress-strain state and the state of damageability of the clamp-knife-base system of harvester cutting instrument modeled analytically, numerically and by finite-element computer modeling.


Taught subjects:

· Computational Practice;

· Mathematical methods of mechanics of a deformable solid and the basis of fracture mechanics;

· Solution of applied problems of mechanics in specialized packages using the example of Ansys Workbench;

· Experimental methods in Mechanics;

· Computer Aided Design;

· Technical Mechanics.

International experience(especially in English language countries)

· Member of the Erasmus+ project FabLab 561536-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

· Head of the group of researchers and graduate students of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the Belarusian State University during a visit to the University of Trento in the framework of the international project TAMER – Trans-Atlantic Micromechanics Evolving Research “Materials containing inhomogeneities of diverse physical properties, shapes and orientations” [FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES] at the University of Trento, Trento, Italy (2017-2018)

Research Interests

Theoretical, experimental research and applied mathematical modeling in the following fields.

Mechanics of deformable solid body. Tribology and contact mechanics. Mechanics of wear-fatigue damage (tribo-fatigue). Stress-strain state of mechanical systems in conditions of contact interaction and volume deformation. Damage measurement of systems under complex loading. Numerical methods and computer modeling: integration, approximation, finite and boundary element analysis. Methods of wear-fatigue experiments.

Honors and Awards

1. Certificate of completion a secondment from 23rd of October 2017 till 20th of January 2018 in the frame of project TAMER – Trans-Atlantic Micromechanics Evolving Research “Materials containing inhomogeneities of diverse physical properties, shapes and orientations” [FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES] at the University of Trento, Trento, Italy (2017-2018);

2. Certificate of achievement on successfully completion of the training on finite element methods applied to contact interactions in deformable solid mechanics at Carlos III University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain (2017);

3. Certificate of attending course “Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing”, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (2017);

4. Certificate of attending course “3D Design and Manufacturing”, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (2016);

5. Certificate of achievement on successfully completion of the training on boundary element methods applied to contact interactions in deformable solid mechanics at VORtech BV, Delft, The Netherlands (2016);

6. Diploma at VII Belarusian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics “Mechanics-2016” on creative contribution to the development of the resource mechanics for the researching in “Wear modeling of the agricultural harvester according to criteria of its volumetric damageability” and “Tribo-fatigue system wheel-rail: dynamics of the contact interaction and bending of the rail under the weight  of the train”, Minsk, Belarus (2016);

7. Certificate of achievement on successfully completion of the training on the methods of teaching special courses on fracture mechanics and biomechanics at the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (2016);

8. Certificate of achievement on successfully completion of the training of application of modern computational mechanics methods and technologies in development of applied software systems, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation (2016);

9. Honorary diploma for contribution to the development of tribo-fatigue, Gomel, Belarus (2015);

10. President of Republic of Belarus Scholarship for Ph.D. student (2015);

11. First category Diploma at XIX Republican contest of scientific works of students for the work "A method for obtaining analytical dependences of the elastic moduli of the force constants" (Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus from April 12, 2013 № 270);

12. Diploma for first place in the International Olympiad universities for interdisciplinary direction innovative nature of the "Nanotechnology", 2012.