
BSU Faculties
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Zhuravkov Michael A.


Educational Background

1979 - 1984.

Student of Belarusian State University. Mechanics and Mathematics faculty.

Department of Mechanics.

Specialty: Mechanics, applied mathematics.

1985 – 1987.

Postgraduate student of Belarusian State University. Mechanics and Mathematics faculty.

Department of Mechanics.

Specialty: Mechanics of deformed rigid body.

1991 (09.06-30.06)

University of Helsinki, Finland.

Course “Science Economical collaboration”

1997 (24.03-23.06)

Belarusian National Polytechnic Academy.

Course “System analytic calculation on Personal Computer”

2010 (30.11-08.12)

School of Underground Waste Storage and Disposal. Bern University, Switzerland.

Course “Transport and retention of radionuclides in argillaceous and fractured media”

2012 (14.09-21.09)

National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technologies. Sacle, France.

Course “Generation IV: Nuclear reactor systems of future”

2014г. (23.02-01.03)

University Lion-2. Lion, France.

Training course on Entrepreneurship. Int. project SUCSID.

The scientific interests

Mathematics and Computer modeling in Continua mechanics, Mechanics of deformed rigid

body, Geomechanics, Biomechanics.

Elaboration of the special mechanics-mathematics methods and approaches for study various

geomechanical and couple geomechanical processes.

Elaboration of the special mechanics-mathematics methods and approaches for study

biomechanical processes.

Numerical methods in Continua and Discrete mechanics, geomechanics, biomechanics.

Elaboration of the specialized applied computer systems for research and modeling of various

geomechanical processes.

Information technology in geomechanics and geoecology.

The hononary titles (ranks)

The academician of Academy of Mining Sciences of EuroAsian Union

The academician of Academy of Mining Sciences of Russia

The academician of Mining Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Real member of the International Academy of Sciences on Ecology and Safety Protection.

The premiums and awards

1993. The grand of International Science Fund.

1999-2001. The grand of President of Republic of Belarus for Young talented scientific.

2002-2003. The grand of President of Republic of Belarus for Scientific achievement.

2005. Honor Certificate of the Ministry of Education of Republic of Belarus.

2006. Honor Certificate of the National Assembly of Republic of Belarus.

2008. The Sevchenko science grand in region of Natural Science.

2011. The Franciska Skaryna medal.

2013. Honor certificate of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of Republic of


2014. Honor status “Honored member of Belarusian State University”

2015. Anniversary medal “70 years of Victory in Great National War 1941-1945”

2015. Anniversary medal the Russian Orthodox Church

2016 − Anniversary medal «In honor of foundation of National Academy of Science of

Belarus »

2016 − Honor certificate of the Higher attestation Commission of Republic of Belarus

2017 − Anniversary medal «300 years of M.V. Lomonosov»

2017 − Gratitude of the Minister of Education of Republic of Belarus for the significant

contribution to development of student's sport