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Vitali Shymanski


Educational Background

Ph.D. in Physics, 2013, Belarus State University, Physical Department, Minsk, Belarus.

The diploma of master courses of the physics and math, 2010, Belarus State University, Physical Department, Minsk, Belarus.

The diploma in the specialty of the physicist, 2009, Belarus State University, Physical Department, Minsk, Belarus.

Work Experience

Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus

2009 – 2011, Junior researcher of Solid State Physics Department.

2011 – 2014, Assistant Professor of Solid State Physics Department.

2014 – up to present time, Associate Professor of Solid State Physics Department.


Lecture courses of “Solid State Physics”, “Micro- and nanomechanics”, “Non-destructive materials control”, “Condensed State Physics” in Physics Faculty of Belarusian State University.

International experience (especially in English language countries)

· Delivering lectures for master-students from United Arab Emirates in English (2020);

· Work in scientific laboratory in Beihang University (China, 2017-2019);

· Participation in international conferences (2012 – 2020).

Research Interests

Ion-plasma energy processes and technologies for the synthesis and modification of materials and their practical application. Several main topics can be singled out:

· Surface modification of materials by electron and ion beams and plasma flows;

· Structure of materials;

· Mechanical properties of solid states;

· Radiation effects in solids;

· Solid State physics.

Research Projects

1. Bilateral project between Belarusian republic fund of foundation research and Russian fund for foundation research «Development of scientific basis of electron-ion-plasma technology for production of high-entropy alloys and nitride coatings based on them» (2020 – 2022).

2. Bilateral project between Belarusian republic fund of foundation research and Russian fund for foundation research «Formation of hardened surface layers in over-eutectic silumin alloys by electon-ion-plasma influence» (2019 – 2021).

3. Bilateral project between Belarusian republic fund of foundation research and  Russian fund for foundation research «Structure and phase composition of titanium and aluminum after combined electron-ion-plasma treatment» (2016 – 2018).

Honors and Awards

· 2010, 2011 – Diplomas of The Special Fund of President of Republic of Belarus;

· 2012 – Scholarship of President of Republic of Belarus;

· 2017 – A.N. Sevchenko’s Diploma for young scientists of Belarusian State University;

· 2019 – Award of Belarusian State University.