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Mathematical Modeling of the Behaviors of the Human Biomechanics Systems in Normal and Pathological conditions


Topic: Mathematical Modeling of the Behaviors of the Human Biomechanics Systems in Normal and Pathological conditions

LecturerSergei BosiakovBelarusian State University

Time9:30-10:30 am, December 19th, 2019

Location: Room 525, 1st Experiment Building


Sergei Bosiakov will make atalk on"Mathematical Modelling of Behaviour of the Human Biomechanical Systems in Normal and Pathological Condition".In this talkthe results of computer and analytical modelling of the human biomechanical systems subjected to treatment will be discussedi.e.the following issues

1.Assessment of the ultimate load on the human femur after surgical resection

2.Finite-element modelling of the rapid maxillary expansion

3.Behavior of the almost noncompressible viscoelastic periodontal ligament during of the tooth root displacement

4.Modal analysis of the oscillating system of the middle ear in normal and pathological condition.

Brief Introduction of Lecturer:

Sergei BosiakovAssociate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Belarusian State University.The main scientific field is the biomechanical modelling of functioning of the biological tissueshuman organs and human organ systems in normal or pathological conditions.Member of the Organizing Committees of the International Congress of ISAAC,the International Scientific Conferences"Analytical Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations-AMADE.