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A Group of Four from the DUT-BSU Joint Institute Visited the Belarusian State University to Further Promote the Cooperation between the Two Universities


From May 21st to 23rd, 2019, Professor Ji Shunying Dean of DUT-BSU Joint Institute , Professor Zheng Yonggang Deputy Dean of the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Head of Engineering Mechanics of DUT-BSU Joint Institute, Professor Yu Changshui Associate Dean of School of Applied Physics, and Professor Hong Ming from the Department of Transportation Engineering and Mechanics, visited the Belarusian State University and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the cooperation of the DUT-BSU Joint Institute of Dalian University of Technology.

On the morning of May 21, Konstantin Kozadaev, Vice President of Belarusian State University, met with Ji Shunying, Dean of DUT-BSU Joint Institute and his colleagues. Ji first introduced the current situation of DUT-BSU Joint Institute, and expressed gratitude to the outstanding work of the teachers from the Belarusian State University, and explained the improvement plan of the current training program. Kozadaev stated that the cooperation in running schools provided an effective way for international cooperation, cultural exchanges, and personnel training between the two universities and even between China and Belarus. He said that the Belarusian State University would give full support and believed that the joint efforts of the two universities would definitely cultivate more outstanding international talents.

On the afternoon of May 21st, the delegation of the DUT-BSU Joint Institute visited the School of Physics, and had in-depth exchanges with Prof. Mikhail S Tivanov, Dean of the School of Physics. There were lively discussions on the training program of the physics major, joint training of postgraduates, and scientific research cooperation.They visited laboratories including the optical physics, laser physics, materials physics, energy physics, basic physics in the School of Physics.

On May 22, an in-depth exchanges were conducted with Professor Medvedev, Dean of the School of Mathematics and Mechanics, and Professor Michael Zhuravkov, Dean of the Department of Mechanics. Professor Zhuravkov gave a detailed introduction to the relevant research directions and faculty of the Department of Mechanics of the Belarusian State University.

On May 23, the delegation visited the College of Preparatory Education, which is responsible for the Russian-language teaching of the DUT-BSU Joint Institute, and discussed with the dean of the college Viacheslau Malafeyeu and related teaching principals on the reform of Russian teaching and the compilation of course materials.

After this discussion and exchanges, the delegation of the DUT-BSU Joint Institute and the Belarusian State University had achieved remarkable results and substantial progress in student training, training programs, and subsequent joint training of postgraduates, which helped further promote our school’s cooperation with the Belarusian State University in international cooperation in running schools and joint training of students.